Why Walking

Walking is the best way to bring permanent change to the body—because we all do it, and we do it over and over again. The human body will accept any pattern we put into it whether that pattern is good or bad. This is how chronic injuries develop out of seemingly innocent or even unknown events. The injury becomes chronic because your body adapts a new movement pattern due to unconscious compensations. Learning to walk, or re-learning to walk allows you to re-pattern your body to move in the direction of your choice.

The foundation of the Core Walking Program is that we don’t fix anyone. We guide you to fix yourself because there is no change that doesn’t come from within. Exercise and bodywork of all kinds are important but they are not ends unto themselves. A trip to the chiropractor or massage therapist is wasted if you aren’t working with them to bring changes to your body. We must live a conscious life and the CoreWalking program offers you a means to change a lifetime of conditioned patterns and walk through life as a new you.

About Jonathan

The CoreWalking Program was born out of Jonathan FitzGordon‘s personal and professional experience with changing the body’s habitual movement patterns through self-awareness and repetition.

The program’s philosophy rests on the rock solid belief in our ability to change and evolve as we age. Jonathan learned this first hand. After stubbornly suffering through three knee surgeries and repeatedly re-injuring himself, Jonathan decided to step back a take a good look at how the body works. Injury free these many years later, the walking program aims to help people age gracefully and live pain free lives.

Jonathan has been practicing yoga since 1995 and has been teaching since 2000, having studied with some of the yoga community’s leading teachers. He owned and operated the Yoga Center of Brooklyn from 2001-2009 and created the CoreWalking Program in 2005 because walking is something we all do and walking correctly is an amazing way to bring positive change to our aging bodies.